Henry C123


  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
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  • Age:
  • Height:
    5 ft. 5 in.
  • Body:
    Few Extra Pounds
  • Ethnicity:
  • Job:
  • Has Kids:


Well dont know what to write really never good at this stuff so will give it a go lol......Name is Henry i live near Brighton and im 26....wont tell u what i do for a work that can be a question for u to ask lol.....Well my friends tell me i am a character in life, have the biggest personality and always up for a laugh. I do like my nights out with friends and also my nights in a bottle of wine and in front of the box watching the box. But i have to say life is what u make it i know i never have any regrets i live my life to the full and could just go on and on, i will try not to bore u all. I am also a massive football fan and just love watching it, love everything about life and the challenges u come across each day. My family and Friends mean the world to me and i for one will never have enough friends there is always room in my life for people. Right gonna stop so there u have a little bit about me wont go on or we wont have anything to chat about will we. welll guys hope i get to chat with u sometime. xx

What I am looking for

Friendship, One Night Stand, Marriage, PenPal